Monday through Thursday classes will be part of our year-round program. These classes will be continuous until you un-enroll your child. Saturday classes will run September through May. All students enrolled on Saturdays will have to choose a new class to continue for June, July & August. (ALL CLASSES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE DAY/TIME. IF THIS OCCURS YOU WILL BE NOTIFIED.) Please check the schedule for new classes added throughout the year.
ULTIMATE FLEXIBILITY: We are a year-round program with no long-term commitments. You may enroll or un-enroll anytime! Tuition is prorated in weekly increments based on your enroll and un-enroll dates.
EASY ENROLL: Enroll for classes on our website and select “LOGIN” at the top of the page and follow the prompts. Please only create an account if you are a NEW student. If you have taken classes with us, you already have an account.
EASY PAY: Tuition is paid monthly through direct debit from your major credit or debit card on the 15th of the preceding month. Declined payments (expired card, etc.) will incur a $10.00 fee and must be remedied on or before the 20th day of the month or you risk losing your class spot to a student on the wait list. To opt out of direct debit, simply pay your tuition in the office or over the phone by 7:00pm on the 13th of the month and your card on file will not be charged. Tuition is based on the monthly average of 4 classes per month, so we do not change pricing for longer (5 weeks) or shorter (3 weeks) months. The most expensive tuition pays full price and all siblings lesser tuition is discounted 10%.
ANNUAL REGISTRATION FEE: $55 per family will automatically be added to your monthly charges each year on the month you joined if you are enrolled in classes.
CHANGING CLASSES: Changing a class day, time, or program is permitted at any time during your enrollment if there is room in the desired class. Tuition increases could apply. No refunds or credits will be given when transferring an enrollment. Your tuition will simply be transferred to the new class or program.
MAKE-UP CLASSES: Make-Up Classes are offered as a courtesy when available. They are not guaranteed. They must be scheduled through the office in advance to check for availability and must be completed within 30 days of the missed class. Missed classes will not be deducted from tuition or credited toward future payment. There are no make-ups for scheduled gym closings.
UN-ENROLLING: To un-enroll from class, you must fill out a Drop Request on the Parent Portal including the future date of your last desired class. Upon receiving your request, we will update your enrollment accordingly. No refunds or credits will be issued for missed classes.
If payment was already processed for the next month a full credit can be put on the tuition account or a written refund check minus a $10 processing fee can be picked up in the office.
HEALTH POLICY: In looking out for the wellbeing of our staff and other gymnasts in a class, please do not bring your child if he/she is sick (constant coughing, runny nose, etc.) Call ahead for a make-up class.
WHAT TO WEAR: Proper attire includes athletic wear for boys/girls or leotards for girls, hair tied back out of face, no gum or food, and no jewelry. We prefer students participate bare-footed, as this prevents slipping on the equipment. Please leave all valuable items at home. West Side Gymnastics and our staff are not responsible for lost or stolen items.
SUPERVISION OF CHILDREN: Children not in class are to be supervised by an adult. Please inform us if you will be late picking up your student. Instruct your student to wait inside the building.
OBSERVATION AREA: NO ONE is allowed inside the gym and trampoline area for any reason, except for the gymnasts in class. Observation will be from the balcony only, unless special permission is granted. Please ask a staff member in the office to assist you if you need your child from class early. Correcting your child from the balcony or hallways is not an acceptable practice. We encourage parents to talk to the coaches if they have questions about a gymnast’s progress or what he/she is learning.
PARKING LOT: All children must be escorted to and from the car. During peak times the parking lot is very crowded. Please drive slowly and carefully, following the direction of the yellow arrows on the pavement. There is one entrance drive and two exit drives.
WEATHER CLOSINGS: We will contact via email and Facebook for any closings. Please make sure we have your email on file.